My team of testers are more than only testers for my ideas to expand Age of Steam. They help me to developp what coule be a simply good idea into a tremendous idea (specially in New york in the building phase, in the moon to improve the black side system...
So, as I detailed in the last entry, there were some clear issues with the CCCP map after the first playtest, the most glaring ones being the weak east, the not as compelling as I would like auction, and the not-yet-satisfactory goods growth pattern....
We are very happy to announce that we are planning to release a new set of three expansions. These expansions will come in the same triangular boxes than last year. They will only be available for the ESSEN fair in October for many reasons, some of which...
AoS Team is pleased to announce a pair of bonus releases for 2008 : Age of Steam Expansion - Washington DC / The Berlin Wall and the Age of Steam Box #1 . AoS Team has heard the cries of North American AoS fans, and are also pleased to announce that these...
Playtesting time again...Michigan has fallen by the wayside, but over my vacation I came up with a new way to use the split level engines from Montreal and fashioned a map of the Soviet Union to go with them. The core concept here was to make the second...
Cette apres midi, je n'avais trop envie de me mettre dans mes copies et comme ludovic faisait le malin sur les forums du monde entier avec la nouvelle carte en solo d'age of steam, j'ai été contrainds d'ouvrir l'une de mes boites pour voir de quoi il...
Well, sorry for the lack of updates everyone, but I haven't had an opportunity to play Age of Steam since my last post, and I haven't had much time to do design work either, as life at university is keeping me extremely busy. I just wanted to throw out...
I am always exited when i open the caracteristic boxes of the winsome games particularly when they contain a new expansion for my favorite game : Age of Steam (Did i tell you that i find my forth copy of the basic game last week for 35e ?...) This expansion...
As you know, i have too much ideas for expansions to develope them even with my job... But, i imagined last night new ideas that didn't work in my India expansion, about water and flooding... Probably these ideas could work very well in another country...
During summer holidays, i have plenty of time to play with my friends at my favorite game Age of Steam, even to imagine new expansions . But today, we want to come back in Iraq, to adjust the bonus rule of black cubes (oil). Brice (purple), Guillaume...
I know it's been quite some time since I posted anything on the blog, but I haven't been playing any Age of Steam, or any board games period. Work has kept me busy, and the Stanley Cup playoffs kept me even busier. Now that Summer is here though, I finally...
A short "making of " of this tremendous expansion (not yet finished) My first idea was to create a more difficult expansion than the others previously published by Warfrog and John Bohrer. As i am fond of Sci Fi, i immediatly think at a Moon expansion....
War in Iraq Diese Age of Steam Erweiterung spielt in der Wüste des Iraks. Der Krieg ist vorbei und viele lukrative Ölfelder wurden entdeckt. Das Ziel des Spielers ist es das Öl nach USA und Europa zu befördern um Geschäft zu machen. Die US Armee wird...
Yesterday, we travelled Egypt for the second time. My favorit players , Brice, Guillaume , Mathieu were at home for a good cause : adjust the first rules of this expansion... My first idea is to flood the left side of the Nile in the first turn, the right...
As i imagined my next expansion in Iraq, i was looking for someone who can illustrate my package Brian Barling is a brilliant cartoonist who works for the CS monitor in USA and is also a wargamer who likes to play the frenchies... He draws many cartoons...
That's a along time ago, we did not make a serious update here!!! I found time to write few words about these last Essen releases this nights ! For Paris, I wanted to make something new. I had the real map of the districts of Paris and I thought it would...
Sometimes stupid ideas create good expansion. I was coming back from Ludovic Gimet's association with a defeat at Age of Steam in the Netherlands (not John Bohrer's expansion, but one of mine not yet published). As you probably know, he always plays the...
Coming soon I was coming back from ESSEN05 with the latest Winsome games and I was very impatient to play the Netherlands expansion from John Bohrer. I read the rules in my hotel in ESSEN and i was surprised by so many changements. So an age of steam...
Montréal Métro is the second expansion that takes place in a city instead of a country. The first one was London. The designer is a very well known age of steam fan in US, Mickael Webb. He was working on it since one year, and we can imagine all the good...
The Iraqi expansion story begins in July 2005. I don't know if i was inspired by the actuaity or not, probably inconsciously. I was checking the different type of hexes in the game age of steam, plains, hills,montains, rivers,forests (in my Brazil expansion,...
War in Iraq expands the game in the iraqi desert. As you could imagine, desert hexes are expensive $3. The originality of this map is oilfields (3) that product oil (black cubes). Only the enginneer can build next to oilfield. There is also a new special...
I had the pleasure of playing the Spain map by the Steam Brothers last night with my regular play group, this being the last session prior to my move up to East Lansing, after which my AoS playtime is going to be greatly diminished. For those who aren't...
(coming soon) Far before John Bohrer published his Netherlands expansion, i designed my Netherlands expansion... Why the Netherlands... Germany, France, Itali, South of England, some US maps were already designed at the end of 2004, so the last country...
I managed to get in a playtest of Metro Pittsburgh last night. I foolishly forgot to bring my digital camera along, so I have no pictures to post, but I can give a brief report of how the game went: The central urbanization mechanic works almost exactly...
Not much Age of Steam news for me to talk about recently, as I've been busy doing school work (i.e.: teaching 4 discussion sections here at Michigan State and reading 3 books a week for my own work) but I did find time to participate in a podcast with...