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28 juillet 2007 6 28 /07 /juillet /2007 01:19

Coming soon

I was coming back from ESSEN05 with the latest Winsome games and I was very impatient to play the Netherlands expansion from John Bohrer. I read the rules in my hotel in ESSEN and i was surprised by so many changements.
So an age of steam expansion could have more than one or two modifications... interesting...

But i had to wait for 2 months to find 6 players. The idea of stacking disc was a very good one .That rule allowed two players to have the same link. I liked also very much the creative use of variable city colours which is handled by a special display . That confered to the game a kind of dynamism.

As i imagined my first expansion in the north of africa, i thought to expand the game in Egypt with pyramids. So stacking cubes in a definit order could be an interesting idea. But this idea has never worked, and it was difficult to stack more than 4 cubes on my table... But stacking disc was possible that meant cubes should belong to player and disc should be goods. 


Yeah!!! all is possible... I was enjoying to stack discs and designed my first map with no theme inside. Immediatly after this first map, disc's stack could symbolize a skyscraper and i think that my expansion could take place in New York. I have never been in USA, but for me New York City and skyscrapers are the same things.

In my first protoyp, skyscrapers have no color, except the color of the disc in the bottom, so this expansion will be compared to South Korea with an order of disc deliveries. It was natural to only move the disc on the bottom of the stack. 


I tried many tests alone, without special rules for building or delievring, but it did'nt work as i wished, too chaotic, and too difficult to anticipate the moving phase. I hate also the green disc (see why HERE), and it was also a problem to add a new color of skyscraper... too much possibilities. I tried to stack all discs with only 5 green discs that could be like rainbow in the Switzerland expansion. But that did not satisfied myself.
I gave up this idea of stacking discs on the map....

When i was young, i liked to watch the bus plan, with links of different colors and numeroted links, stations...I remembered my expansion in NYC... Cubes could be stations that belong to players. So digging the subway is the next biggest idea in this expansion. If you dig something like te subway, you should first create a kind of hole (flip the hex on the black side to show that there is a hole) and then buy stations near skyscrapers...
In the same time, i colored defintive places for skyscrapers, like in the basic game. But as we can move only one disc, i had to design more cities (colored hexes) I drew 20 cities, but removed 4 in our first testing game
Now it was the time to test with players all these ideas. I designed a small map (bigger than the last) .
I explained for the first time all my ideas to my group found them very nifty. But they asked to me if i have already taken my medecine !!!! We discussed 3 hours before beginning our first game on this map. With my first ideas, there was not enough cubes, so we have to change the role of stations that could be placed only near skyscraper and not along all hexes as i was previously thinking. 

My idea before testings..                                 Conclusion:
009.JPG                                    010.JPG

At this time building phase was very close from the final version. digging 2 hexes and placing 3 stations. Enginner can increase to 3hexes and 4 stations. At our first test, it was a too powerful action.
We immedialtly realize that this expansion will be interesting with 5 or 6 players only. And there is only 5 colors for the station. So it could be more expensive to produce this expansion if it work one day...
Many tests removed the green disc in the box (Yessss), add a new special action that allow a player to reorder a stack in a sckscraper that we called 'SWAP', add special victory points at the end of the game, modified the engineer action to a completly different role. Now he could remove one station and replace it anywhere. It add some dynamism in the game, and increase its role at the end of the game. In the basic game, the enginneer action is less interesting at the end of the game, but not in this expansion. With the bonus we add to the normal victory point, the bidding phase still interesting, even for the choice of enginneer 

Production phase was also a problem. How to supply 20 or 16 skyscrapers with the production chart of the basic game  ? And as we can only move the first disc, it will be a too challenging game to see wich disn can be  moved in te next turn. Never mind... I tried the game with fillling with dics the production chart. 


If we didn't trow dices, and if discs come automatically at the production phase, turn after turn, it could work. But i forgot that there wouldn't have enought disc to play an entire game.. If i have to buy green cubes to add a sixth player, i should have to buy disc to complete the basic game... to expensive. I canceled the production phase and in our first game, we placed the moving disc under the stock of the skycraper.. It workd very very well. It was still a balance problem. How much disc should we stack on the skycrapers ? 
One : enought for the first move player only!!! 
Two, interesting... We tested it, but i shlud have to design a bigger map with more skyscrapers, and we had to change also the building rules: No! 
Three was also very interesting, enought with the size of the map, easy to stack, it left interesting choice with the Swap Rule... 
Four, also very interesting, probably some very well known skycrapers will get 4 discs in the set up of the game.
Finally, and to sum up the final solution for the production phase : no production phase, We will only play with the discs we stack in the setting phase. 

The Urbanization action has not changed, but as there is no production phase, we added a new rule to regenerate the discs on the board : we placed two discs on the New City tiles in the setting phase. So when you urbanize a new city, you also add  two discs in the game.


The idea of stacking discs to create "Euro skyscrapers" like eurogames can simulate goods with cubes..., was very fun, but i felt a little bit disappointed at the end of the game if the high of them could not count as a bonus.
So i changed the final scoring : At each skycraper , the number of discs present in that skyscraper is muliplied by the number of station a givent player owns there. As Engineer would be an interesting choice at the end of the game

Replacing discs by cubes was also a problem : 5 colors of cubes allows 5 players, but in the basic game, there is 25 discs for each player and only 20 cubes of each color (16 black cubes). So it was natural to give at the begining of the game twice more stations than the number of turn players would play : 20 stations (cubes) in a 3 player games (that forbid a black player) 16, in a 4 player games, 14 in a 5 player games,12 in a 6 player game. I bought green cubes for a sixth player because this expansion support easyly a sixth player.
As we can build 3 stations per turn, if you build all your allowed stations at each turn, there will be a problem at the end of the game. The new Engineer is very powerfull, even more with the final scoring. You will try to place your station near a future very high skyscraper...


Building stations and the rules with them were discussed in so many testing games that i can not remember who found THE good solution. At the beginning of the prototype, it was allowed to build station on each side of a given skyscrapers hexes. Further in the developemt, other players can build stations on the same side, but have to pay to the bank and to the present player ($1). We added a limit for the number of the stations, and they may never be more than number of player minus 2 stations on each side of a given hex. And finally to congestion even more the game, each individual player may only ever buid one station per hex side. 

027.JPG And the final map designed by Claude Parenteau (thanks very much)

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27 juillet 2007 5 27 /07 /juillet /2007 19:41

The Iraqi expansion story begins in July 2005. I don't know if i was inspired by the actuaity or not, probably inconsciously. I was checking the different type of hexes in the game age of steam, plains, hills,montains, rivers,forests (in my Brazil expansion, not yet published). No desert in all age of steam expansions... I have to create one expansion that will take place in the desert...
One year before, i made my first age of steam expansion in North Africa during the french colonization with water (blue cube) and negros (black cubes), but many testings did not make this map working very well. So i gave up with desert hexes but thought that black cubes could be Oil in barril.
Add these two ideas and the actuality of the war in Iraq, and War in Iraq was born. I wrote the background in the same time. The size of the map has changed probably 5 or 6 times and oilfields hexes too. It was difficult to balance the difficulties to build near oilfield (only possible with the engineer) and the plenty of goods you get when you have connected one oilfield.


I immediatly draw two flags that work as black citis, one european flag , and one USA flag to simulate that you can go out oil from Iraq. You can also get bonus at the end of the game if you manage to deliver oil to this country.
At this time, it was clear that we can not urbanize in black and we remoeved the four black tiles when we played with this expansion.
Koweit should play a particular role. It is the only one city in purple at the beginning of the game.
Bagdad should attract players and should divid the country into two countries. Io was inspired by Paris in the France expansion from Warfrog. So Bagdad had 4 colors in my first Iraqi expansion. But my group thought it was too attractive and i finally made design colors for Bagdad that begins the game with no cube (do not forget , the war is not over!)


In the Iraqi expansion, there is a new special action US Army. The name has never changed. my idea was to allow player to pass through city with cube of the same color on it. I thought it was a good idea if you ask for  the supply of US Army during the delivery phase. I apologize if this idea hurts the american's conservatism.
After my tests on this map, we thought that two flags (two black cities) for 3, or 4 players are too drastic, so we allowed players to urbanize in black in this country. The iraqi people can use their oil as they wish. I added also a third external link that will be created when Umm Qasr will be urbanized (happened not very often). The costs of these external links should be very expensive, but not too much because of the role of the engineer. So $5 worked very well since the beginning of this expansion.
This expansion is suit designed for 3 or 4 players because like in Ireland there is no 5 and 6 black city in th goods supply (probably destroyed during the war...)

This expansion is sold on the back of Age of steam in NYC Subway that will be released for ESSEN 07 in October .

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27 juillet 2007 5 27 /07 /juillet /2007 12:23

Sometimes stupid ideas create good expansion. I was coming back from Ludovic Gimet's association with a defeat at Age of Steam in the Netherlands (not John Bohrer's expansion, but one of mine not yet published).
As you probably know, he always plays the green color.. green color, green color... fed up with green color... 
How to forbid the use of green discs ? Just transform them in goods or... in Martians.
As i was testing my Moon expansion with many problems of building and balancing around the map, i thought to a Mars expansion, with martians living in cities. If i added a new color of cube (green) i should put off one color. I chose the red one because the planet is red, simple!
On the moon , the wrapping is restrictive and efficient ony with North-South. I would like to create a more noteable wrapping. As i am fond of Sci Fi, i imagined 4 players that could land on definite hexes as starting base when we will colonize Mars in 20 years...
So i created 4 starting hexes with a bid for them. A spatial vessel will land on Mars with cubes, and take off after the first turn. Then the networks should be continuous. 
Green discs are the martians and confered when they are present a new color for the city on it :green. If we apply the basic rule, Martians will meet martians. It could be counted as victory points at the end of the game.

To regenerate the martians' disparition, everybody knows that Mars had water on it, but it is very rare. So i imagined that when a blue cube arrives in a blue city, a martian births and can be moved as a normal cube.

The size of the map never varied and i designed it to be the bigger than it could be printed by my publisher, i just canceled some hexes in the North and in the South like in the moon
This map is suitable for 4 players and only four since the beginning of the development. I think it can be played with 3 players, but it has never been tested (I don't know why !)
After many tests, i realized that Engineer should be a little bit more attractive to reduce the power of locomotive actions and the urbanization actions. Notice that the Blue New city is very strategic and should be used with attention because of creating the second and the last blue city. So engineer will build at half cost.
With the Blue capital Marsopolis in the center of the map, games tend to be a rush to this city . This rush is increased by 4 number on the city and potentialy 12 cubes could arrive.

Ludibay contacted me to reprint the Moon, i added the Olympus Mons. A vulcano of 30000m high can not be crossed by train even with US Engineer !

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26 juillet 2007 4 26 /07 /juillet /2007 21:48

A short "making of " of this tremendous expansion (not yet finished)

My first idea was to create a more difficult expansion than the others previously published by Warfrog and John Bohrer. As i am fond of Sci Fi, i immediatly think at a Moon expansion.
Yes, there is no train on the Moon at this time, and it would be a real challenge to make my expansion a little bit realistic. It was also the first time than an expansion would take place on an entire sphere instead of in one single country with cities.
As my theme was chosen, i have had to feature innovative mecanisms to simulate the presence of human being on this satelite. It was natural to change the cities colors in a more dynamic way than printing black cities on the map. So Black city will occur with "a night turn" and real color will occur with " a day turn" The principal idea of this map was created.
In the same time, i wrote the background  of this map and realised that it could be nice to force player to begin their network from a central hex. In the basic game, a bad choice for the starting place penalize novice players, but if all the players have to begin their network from the same hex, then they will have the same advantage or disadvantage. 
As it is The moon, a standard hex cost $3, as it is the moon again, there will be less cities, and less goods. I tried to design my first map with 8 cities and a center hex that is a starting base. This one was bigger because you were allowed to build 3 tracks and 4 with the engineer at terrific costs of $12.
We tested this map a lot, but it doesn't work very well, probably too difficult to connect interesting cities.So i stopped these moon ideas for 2 months.
2 Months later, i said to my wife in an age of steam discussion that the moon is a sphere.", Howwww, you are a genius to realize that the moon is a sphere!!, she said" So we should allow connection between edges.
I remembered when i was young and played Risk against my cousins during summer holidays "Kamchakta attacks Alaska" was in my mind and i imagine the first "plan sphere". Writting numbers around the map was the easiest way and the clearest way to make the connection real, hex number 1 links hex number 1 and so on...
At this time, as we could build 3 hexes and 4 with the engineer, it was too easy to connect cities all around the moon East to West, north to South. I tried to change color cities, number of goods, the number of cities, but nothing convinced me. I thought to change the number of hexes that a player could build, but i thought it was too drastic.
Few months later, i played with my friend Ludovic Gimet with this protoype and he gave me advices : reduce the size of the map, and try to reduce to 2 hexes the number of hexes a player can build.
I redesigned another map, smaller, and as it was smaller , i drew only 6 cities with only purple on the right and only yellow on the left. With the "night mecanism", they won't be purple city on the map during the night on the right and they won't be yellow city during the night on the left. The urbanization action will not be changed in order to get a chance to have a yellow city on the map and a purple one too... But it it would be ridiculous to let player to urbanize in black...
We tested this map again a lot, and this time, it works very well. In our games, we had to use very often links of other people because of the small map, because of the beginning of the game and because of the lack of goods , because of the network that wraps around. So it would be nice to contre balance the power of the locomotive action by a more thematic ones. Low gravitation was immediatly a good idea so cubes could fly near network...
Because of the lack of goods and land base, i added more cubes on the landing base to simulate goods to colonize the moon. To finalize my map and to reduce the power of the first build player, i allowed the next player to build from the central hex or from a city linked by the first player. Same rule with the next player player. So the last player would have more opportunities than the first one. 
The last rules i modified was the production rules. Only cities that have a link to the central hex can get cubes on this phase. So cubes would not "arrive" too fast in cities. I added in the same time montain , just for fun !!
We tested and tested and tested, and i was very proud of this expansion that was very different of the others that changed only one or two rules.
This expansion was released for the ESSEN05 fair and package with the Reunion island of Ludovic Gimet.
This set was sold in a numeroted box (only 180 boxes were produced)
The year after, Ludibay contacted me to make this map more available. It was natural to reprint The Moon with another prototype of myself Mars. (only 100 sets are available)

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