It is always very difficult to adapt a game like age of steam for two players and only for two players. Interaction in the bidding phase, during the construction phase and during the delivering
phases is completly different in function of # players, and it is easy to imaginea five players game with the same rules of a two players rules...
Many designers have succeeded by small modifications to recreate tension of a five players game.
I rank only the official age of steam game for two players:
1 ) Austria by John Bohrer is the best alternative if you have only one player
2) Ste Lucia : very innovative rules where goods are in the plains, no towns and tough decisions every time
3) Reunion Island : Interessant mecanism for exclusive two players with locked actions each turn. The map is too big. Lava is so thematic indeed....
4) Jamaica. not so much interesting than the three others. I like the $5 mecanism but the map is too small this time, very difficult to build after the forth turn