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29 août 2008 5 29 /08 /août /2008 12:03

AoS Team is pleased to announce a pair of bonus releases for 2008: Age of Steam Expansion - Washington DC / The Berlin Wall and the Age of Steam Box #1. AoS Team has heard the cries of North American AoS fans, and are also pleased to announce that these releases will be made available initially to North Americans and will later be released at Essen.

Washington DC and Berlin are another pair of maps created by highly regarded Age of Steam expansion designer Alban Viard. Washington DC focuses on the infamous freeways of the US capital. While the interstate can allow for quick goods transportation, it also becomes increasingly clogged as the game progresses and eventually becomes nearly impassable.


The Berlin Wall, meanwhile, takes Age of Steam back to the era of the Cold War and the divided city of Berlin. Troop garrisions impede goods

movement for much of the game, and the wall also presents an imposing obstacle. Of course, the fall of the wall in 1989 changes everything.


The Age of Steam Box #1, meanwhile, is a useful new accessory for all Age of Steam fans. The two-piece box, manufactured by Ludo Fact in Germany, offers a sturdy, stylish way to transport your standard size Age of Steam expansions. The Age of Steam Box features a check list of all of the currently released hard board and soft board expansions that will fit in it, and is available either together with the new expansions in it, or separately.

(the box cover)

The price structure for these releases are as follows:
Expansion Only: $30 + $10 shipping
Box Only: $15 + $10 shipping
Expansion + Box: $40 + $10 shipping
Special shipping rates will be made available for people who wish to purchase multiple items:
1 Expansion + Box Set: $10
2 sets: $12
3 sets: $14
4/5 sets: $20
Please inquire if you want to order more than 5.
Expansion Only:
1: $10
2: $11
3: $12
4: $13
5: $14
Please inquire if you want to order more than 5.

 This new release is available for direct order from the publisher on BGG. If there is a marketplace entry that fits your needs, please purchase the expansion using that. If it is currently missing or if you want to order in quantity, simply send a Geekmail to Alban Viard (user id: Nabla) or Michael Webb (user id: CortexBomb) to place your order. Rest assured that BGG will be compensated properly for all out of marketplace sales.
These releases will be available for order from
September 5th and will be shipped immediately to everywhere in United States and only in US.

50 copies will be made available at Essen on the Winsome Booth , hall 10, Stand 10-66 and have to be preordered to ageofsteam08ATyahoo.fr. The remaining of the print run will be available in Europe in november to resellers.

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